Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Thoughts are Collaborative Singularities

Thoughts are energy living forever and transforming into a collaborative singularity. They never die. And since they don’t, our thoughts attract their thought-counterparts. For example, simple self-doubt resides in the third band, deception of the senses. We secretly don’t think we are good enough. If unchecked, self-doubt will attract its thought-counterparts from the deception of senses. It will gnaw and irritate our sense of well being, sometimes for years.

Self-doubt, therefore, lives through us growing more powerful as we entertain its feelings or dissipates when we accept with knowing, “For God’s temple is holy, and that temple you are.” I Cor 3:16. When alcohol, drug, sex, and food addicts fight their addictions with their wills, they do battle bound and gagged. Ask a genuine intuit anywhere on the planet, and they will tell you disincarnate addicts attach themselves to the nap of the neck and influence their host—like in, “Why not, go ahead and do it; it feel good; I want to.”

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