Saturday, June 2, 2007

Notes From A Life-Worn Soul

Spiritual revelations, like all inspired thought, are instantaneous; the entire concept is grasp in a split second. Whether the idea is for a revolutionary new product, a miraculous discovery, a novel or spiritual insight, each step in the development process is ultimately experienced in real life until the concept is brought into physical form. During this, so called, R&D (research and development) phase we discover what it takes to make the “rubber meet the road.” This is our journey.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Giving Credit

Mark Carlson, an author of six historical novels, wanted to convert one of his novels into a digital format for mobile devices so I told him about a free software program called Creator. Inquiring later as to how it worked out he said, “Last night I downloaded the Creator.” We both recognized the unintended pun simultaneously and had a good laugh.
“You just provided the title for my book,” I said.
“You may quote me,” he said.

Thinking at a deeper level about the pun, led me to realize it’s actually true. There is certainly a lot of yada-yada that goes on between the Creator and us and truthfully, I feel very inspired by mine.
I’ve wanted to share some of these life-changing revelations but also reasoned with millions of pages already written on the subject, adding one more page to the mélange will not change the world.

But then I ask you, what would you do if you were yanked through a spiritual portal; your soul cracked open with piercing knowing and the universe began a data dump?

Like me, I’m certain you would began journaling and that is exactly what I did—for over thirty years. Not too far away from checkout and having grown a steel spine on one level and wisdom on another, I decided adding a few more words to the repository might not be too bad after all.

The world is agonizing over nearly everything these days and debating over the remainder. Perhaps an inspirational insight here and there, a quote worth repeating or observations written down by this life-worn soul will give you a chuckle while others will anoint your life in some way.

Chronology gave way to beginning with the most profound and eye-opening transmissions. Times and dates for the rest of the work are omitted altogether. I credit Mark for the title, the Creator for the rest and the insight to recognize both as gifts.